Activities and Ministries of Anthony Wayne Church

What we do

We have many ministries at the Anthony Wayne First Church of God.  Please check back regularly for updated information and current events.


Wednesday Bible Study

10:00 AM in the Chapel

Young Adults Group

Mondays 7:00 PM


Click on month to open calendar.


Anthony Wayne Pre-School

Click on Picture for more information or visit


Sermon Archive (mp3)


Listen to 2023 Sermon Audios (mp3)

Christmas Eve Message 12/24/2023 "Righteousness is Given By Faith in Christ" Speaker: Pastor Jerry Blanchard

Sunday's Message 12/24/2023 "The Lord's Servant" Speaker: Pastor David Mosher

Sunday's Message 12/17/2023 "Believe" Guest Speaker: Pastor David Mosher

Sunday's Message 12/10/2023 "Do Not Worry" Guest Speaker: Pastor David Mosher

Sunday's Message 11/19/2023 "The Fellowship of the Believers" Guest Speaker: Pastor David Mosher

Sunday's Message 10/22/2023 "Letters to Timothy - The Changing Nature of Wealth" Pastor Jeff

Sunday's Message 10/08/2023 "Letters to Timothy - The Man in the Arena" Pastor Jeff

Sunday's Message 10/01/2023 "Letters to Timothy - Kingdom Contentment" Pastor Jeff

Sunday's Message 09/24/2023 "Letters to Timothy - The Problem of Slavery" Pastor Jeff

Sunday's Message 09/10/2023 "Letters to Timothy - Growing Together" Pastor Jeff

Sunday's Message 08/20/2023 "Letters to Timothy - A True Minister" Pastor Jeff

Sunday's Message 08/06/2023 "Letters to Timothy - Qualified Overseers (Pastors)" Pastor Jeff

Sunday's Message 07/30/2023 "Letters to Timothy - Worshiping Women" Pastor Jeff

Sunday's Message 07/23/2023 "Letters to Timothy - How We Worship (Instructions to Men)" Pastor Jeff

Sunday's Message 07/09/2023 "Letters to Timothy - The Work of the Gospel" Pastor Jeff

Sunday's Message 07/02/2023 "Letters to Timothy - Introduction" Pastor Jeff

Sunday's Message 06/25/2023 "Exodus - At Mount Sinai" Pastor Jeff

Sunday's Message 06/18/2023 "Exodus - Good Fathers" Pastor Jeff

Sunday's Message 06/11/2023 "Exodus - Three Strikes" Pastor Jeff

Sunday's Message 06/04/2023 "Exodus - Adjusting Our Attitude" Pastor Jeff

Memorial Sunday's Message 05/28/2023 "Exodus - Worship is Warfare" Pastor Jeff

Sunday's Message 05/14/2023 "Exodus - A Mother's Task" Pastor Jeff

Sunday's Message 05/07/2023 "Exodus - The Tenth Plague" Pastor Jeff

Sunday's Message 04/30/2023 "Exodus - The Passover Feast" Pastor Jeff

Sunday's Message 04/23/2023 "Exodus - The Plague of Darkness" Pastor Jeff

Sunday's Message 04/16/2023 "Exodus - Understanding Sins Reward" Pastor Jeff

Easter Sunday's Message 04/09/2023 "Experiencing The Resurrection" Pastor Jeff

Sunday's Message 03/26/2023 "Exodus - Raised Up By God" Pastor Jeff

Sunday's Message 03/19/2023 "Exodus - Plagues Three and Four: Gnats and Flies" Pastor Jeff

Sunday's Message 03/12/2023 "Exodus - The Second Plague: Frogs" Pastor Jeff

Sunday's Message 02/26/2023 "Exodus - God vs. Pharaoh's Court" Pastor Jeff

Sunday's Message 02/19/2023 "Exodus - What's A Pharaoh To Do?" Pastor Jeff

Sunday's Message 02/12/2023 "Exodus - Broken Vessels" Pastor Jeff

Sunday's Message 02/05/2023 "Exodus - From Called to Commissioned" Pastor Jeff


Check back soon for more information or feel free to call the office or drop us an email.

Thank you for checking out the Anthony Wayne First Church of God.